A preliminary report of the results of the Ecological Characterization component of the Long Island Sound Mapping and Research Collaborative’s (LISMaRC) contribution to the Long Island Sound Cable Fund Habitat Mapping Initiative: Phase II – Eastern Long Island Sound has been developed that includes a set of preliminary maps illustrating progress to date assessing the infauna and epifauna of the Phase II area. This report was prepared in response to a request for preliminary map products from Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment (CTDEEP) to inform discussions with the Equinor Corporation pursuant to its development of the Beacon Wind offshore wind project, specifically regarding routing options for the subsea cable to bring the power to shore. This response is, therefore, congruent to the framework for the LIS Cable Fund to provide the best available science to inform sound management decisions. Moreover, this report provides information that can be used by a broad suite of stakeholders interested in this and similar sustainable energy infrastructure projects in general. It is also important to note that while the results presented in the report have gone through degrees of internal review the results are preliminary with preparation of the final project report in progress. The report is available here. A geodatabase providing shapefiles for the ecological data presented is available by request.