Story maps are a highly visual, interactive means to present comprehensive data and media using map-based interfaces. These story maps have been developed using ESRI’s story map builder templates. Below are links to five story maps that have been developed to date that describe some of the approaches, products and results of the LIS Mapping Initiative.
Beneath the Blue Horizon - click on the image to link to a story map describing some of the methods and technologies being used by the Long Island Sound Habitat Mapping teams to better understand the Sound and produce data products that managers can use to make better decisions on how to balance the many goods and services that the Sound provides.
Habitat Map - click on the image to link to a story map describing how the Long Island Sound Habitat Mapping team developed a “Habitat Map” – a comprehensive data product that integrates many data sets to provide managers a powerful tool to make better decisions and improve stewardship of the Sound.
Stability and Change - click on the image to link to a story map that describes underwater habitats that exhibited stability throughout the year from the fall, 2012 to the spring, 2013. It also tells the story of another area that showed similar stability over ten years starting in 1992, but then dramatically changed in 2012.
A Tapestry of Underwater Habitats - click on the image to link to a story map that highlights some of the diverse habitats found in the eastern Long Island Sound area explored during the Phase II initiative. The story map features a Map Tour of eight locations each with a carousel of images. The story also features the development of the Habitat Map for the the Phase II area and describes the five major habitat types identified in the Phase II area.