Phase I Acoustics – Results and Data Portal

Phase I Acoustic Data Portal

The table below provides the results of the acoustic element of the Phase I area Long Island Sound Cable Fund Habitat Mapping initiative, including links to the attendant metadata that provides the attributes and data acquisition details and explanations and links to download the data from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory's Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS).

Data Description




Phase I area
Acoustics - Stony Brook University
Bathymetry for the Phase I area Map of the bathymetry (water depth) in the Phase I area Bathymetry metadata GeoTiff of Bathymetry from the Phase I area
Backscatter for the Phase I area Map of the backscatter (bottom hardness) in the Phase I area Backscatter metadata GeoTiff of Backscatter from the Phase I area
Raw EM3000D Acoustic Backscatter and Bathymetry Data acquired by the RV Pritchard Raw Acoustic Backscatter and Bathymetry Data
Seafloor Images from the Phase III Area LIS3A_LISMaRC_Images